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Latest News and information on Caritas organization

Safe Labour Migration Partner Exchange Platform (PEP)

The Safe Labour Migration programme of Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC hosted the 7th Partner Exchange Platform meeting recenlty to discuss matters pertaining to the migration services conducted by the partner organizations under the project titled “ Provision of Services to Migrant workers and their Families in Sri Lanka” funded by SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation).

Workshop on CI Emergency Protocols and Toolkit

Caritas Internationalis (CI) in coordination with Caritas Asia organized a Training Programme on the CI Emergency Protocols & CI toolkit in Bangkok, Thailand from 23rd to 25th May 2018. The programme focused on the 3 pillars of the Caritas Emergency Response Framework which are mainly Coordination, Resource Mobilization using the CI appeal mechanism and the

Capacity Building Workshop on Equitas’ Action guide to Conflict mitigation using a ‘Human Rights-Based Approach’

A three-day training to build the capacities of Diocesan Coordinators and Programme Volunteers working in the fields of reconciliation, peace building, conflict transformation, and inter-religious harmony was held at Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC from 21st – 23rd March 2018. The main facilitator of the training was Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education, in collaboration

Reconcilation gathering momentum trough CARITAS Sri Lanka – SEDEC

A few days back, I got the opportunity to participate in two visits as an observer. It was a part of the reconciliation programme conducted by the ‘Social Justice and Sustainable Peace’ unit of Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC. Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC, headed by its National Director, Rev. Fr. Mahendra Gunatilleke is the social arm of the

Prof. Koji Takakura’s Visit to Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC

Prof. Takakura, an Environmental Engineer from Japan, widely known as the inventor of the well-known Takakura composting methodology made a courtesy call to SEDEC on 18th May 2018. SEDEC made use of the Takakura composting methodology in its solid waste management programme (SWM) and introduced the composting method as a solution to the bio-degradable waste. A

Caritas Sri Lanka Initiates Action on Conflict Prevention

One of the common social issues identified by many Diocesan (DC) Directors of Caritas Sri Lanka network is the problem of drugs, alcohol and tobacco addiction in the different communities which hamper the community empowerment, peace & reconciliation process. One of the unseen and unnoticed causes behind the violent incident that took place in the

Thanksgiving Holy Mass

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC organized a special Thanksgiving Holy Mass today on 5th of May 2018 at the SEDEC Chapel, in appreciation for the blessings bestowed to the Food Security Project named “Substantiation of Community Institutions for Sustainable Agriculture to Ensure Food Security”. The project which started on 1st of January 2013 came to

Tally Training Workshop for DC Programme & Finance Officers

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC organized a Tally Training workshop recently with the objective of enhancing the knowledge of programme & finance officers of the use of the tally software used by the Caritas Sri Lanka network across all the 13 Diocesan Centres mainly for the accounting and financial solutions. The full-day workshop held at

Awareness programme on the New Electoral System in Caritas Kurunegala – Janasetha Centre

Under the series of programmes covering all the 13 Dioceses, Caritas Kurunegala – Janasetha Centre organized an awareness programme on the new electoral system on 25th January 2018 at the Janasetha Centre. A large number of CBO members from the Diocese of Anuradhapura, Kandy, Chilaw, and Kurunegala participated in the half-day session. This is the third

Capacity Building Programme for the Diocesan Safe Migration Officers

The Migration Unit of Caritas Sri Lanka- SEDEC organized a capacity building programme for the Safe Migration Programme Officers on 16th and 17th January 2018 at the SEDEC premises. Safe Migration Project officers representing all the 13 Diocesan Centres participated in the two-day workshop held in Tamil and Sinhala mediums. This was held under the Swiss Development

Caritas sri lanka-sedec hosts caritas asia workshop on planning, monitoring & evaluation on safe migration & anti-human trafficking

Caritas Asia Regional Workshop on Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation on Safe Migration & Anti-human Trafficking got underway in Colombo on January 29, 2018 at the Renuka City Hotel. The 3 day workshop which brought together nearly 30 participants from 16 Caritas National Member Organizations and representatives from Global Good Shepherds, Good Shepherds International, is hosted

World Migrants’ Day Holy Mass

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC celebrated a special Holy Mass to commemorate the 104 th World Migrant’s Day on 15 th of January 2018 under the theme, “Welcoming, Protecting, Promoting and Integrating Migrants and Refugees’’. According to the message of the Holy Father, in reference to the migrants and refugees, His Holiness asks every human

Seminar on “New System of Local Government Elections and Monitoring Plans”

A seminar organized by Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC was held on the above subject, in view of the forthcoming Local Government elections today, on 08th January 2018. Mr. Rohana Hettiarachchi, the Executive Director of Peoples Action for Free and Fair Election (PAFFREL), which was formed in 1987 primarily to observe elections, presided. Civil society members, Priests,

Motivational Programme for Aquinas Staff

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC conducted a motivational programme for the staff of the Aquinas college of Higher Studies last week, on 5th January 2018 at the SEDEC Auditorium, in Colombo. A group of 74 lecturers took part in a half a day session which saw fruitful discussion and interactions. The team of well experienced senior staff, comprised

Annual Christmas Get-Together 2017

Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC held the Annual staff Christmas get-together yesterday on 21st of December 2017 at the SEDEC premises. All the staff and their family members participated in the event. Rev.Fr. Mehendra Gunatilleke, National Director of Caritas Sri Lanka- SEDEC presided over the event and celebrated the Holy Mass. The event was filled with many

Educational Support Programme for Vulnerable Children

Caritas Jaffna-HUDEC organized a felicitation ceremony for the students who have excelled in the grade 5 scholarship examination 2017, on 15th of November 2017. Under the Caritas Korea funded project titled ‘Supporting Primary Education for Poor & Vulnerable Children’, HUDEC sponsored 202 poor students from the 12 schools in the Jaffna District. Out of sponsored