Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM)

As a vital unit of Caritas Sri Lanka, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) unit support to address the needs of communities affected by manmade and natural disasters and improves the quality of life of marginalized and vulnerable communities irrespective of their ethnic or religion. Presently, DRRM is in forefront in providing temporary shelters and livelihood for war affected, resettled and Sri Lankan refugees returning from India.

Commemoration of International Thalassemia Day 2024

On the 8th of May, 2024, Caritas USCOD Badulla, supported by Misereor, hosted the Commemoration of International Thalassemia Day at the Riverside Hotel in Badulla. This event, held from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, brought together various stakeholders and beneficiaries to raise awareness about Thalassemia and support those affected by the condition. The event saw

Capacity Building Training Program on Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Empowers Caritas Sri Lanka Staff

On March 20th and 21st of 2024 Caritas Sri Lanka, in collaboration with the Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation (DRRM) unit, recently concluded a comprehensive training program aimed at enhancing the disaster preparedness and mitigation skills of its staff. Funded by Caritas Asia, the two-day training took place at the Caritas Sri Lanka Auditorium, providing

Strengthening Bonds: Misereor’s Inspiring Visit to Caritas Sri Lanka

Caritas Sri Lanka (CSL) was honoured to welcome Ms. Broeckmann Corinna and Ms. Ulrike Weinspach, partners from Misereor, on the 13th of February 2024. The visit proved to be a momentous occasion as these partners visit Sri Lanka after 15 years. The day commenced with a meeting that brought together CSL staff and Misereor representatives,

Empowering Inclusivity: Caritas Sri Lanka’s Transformative Exposure Visit to Blue Rose Special School

In a remarkable initiative aimed at ensuring the rights of children with disabilities and supporting their parents and volunteers, Caritas Sri Lanka (CSL) organized an exposure visit to the Blue Rose Special School and Training Centre in Kandy. This transformative experience unfolded on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2023, bringing together parents of children

Empowering Estate Communities for a Brighter Future: A Transformative Gathering by Caritas Sri Lanka SEDEC

In a profound demonstration of unity, Caritas Sri Lanka SEDEC organized a three-day event titled “Empowering Estate Communities for a Brighter Future.” This impactful gathering took place at the Samudi Conference Hall in Rathnapura from November 15th to 17th, 2023. Day One: Illuminating the Path Forward The first day set the tone with the ceremonial

Strengthening Resilience: Caritas Sri Lanka’s Skill Development Training for Search and Rescue Operation and Disaster Preparedness

In a world marked by unpredictability, communities must be prepared for unexpected disasters. Caritas Sri Lanka National Centre, in collaboration with Caritas SED Galle, has taken a proactive step to enhance the resilience of individuals in Sri Lanka through skill development training in search and rescue operations and disaster preparedness. This remarkable training program under


Presently Sri Lanka is undergoing multiple challenges due to the economic and political crises in the country. The improper governance reforms and obtaining of foreign loans during the past years, the Sri Lankan government is in its inability to repay the external debt, whose interest and repayment must be paid in foreign exchange. In the

Be aware. Share. Care. Strengthening Education to bridge the Thalassemia care gap.

In a touching and emotional event that celebrated the spirit of resilience and unity, the National Center Caritas Sri Lanka commemorated the International Thalassemia Day on the 08th of May 2023. This event served as a platform for raising awareness about Thalassemia, an inherited blood disorder, while also highlighting the importance of community support for


Hatton National Bank in collaboration with Caritas Sri Lanka launched the joint initiative “Season of Giving” donation campaign on the 25th of November 2022 at the CSL Auditorium in the presence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Maxwell Silva, the Vice Chairman of the National Commission for Justice, Peace and Human Development/Vice Chairman of Caritas Sri Lanka,

CSL Feeding Programme : ‘Alleviating hunger for the most vulnerable communities in this crisis situation in Sri Lanka’

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves.”   Matthew 14:19. How great is the act of sharing a meal with the poor and marginalized! Jesus shared a meal with five thousand people who followed him and in this miraculous act, we must seek

In solidarity with the Plantation Community……

Sethmini Caritas Ratnapura have been implementing a number of development programmes for the betterment of   the plantation community in the Sabaragamuwa Province. Estate workers in this region suffer due to poverty, daily wage system, line rooms, lack of access to safe water, low level of education, poor access to health, transport facilities and language barriers

“I was homeless you gave me a shelter” A report from the Diocese of Mannar

People from Mullikulam, Mannar who were part of Musali DS division, displaced from their homeland due to the civil war and even after the resettlement process initiated by the government and other agencies, they couldn’t get back to their own lands due to various reasons. Only in the recent past, the people were able to

Serve Humanity with Faith, Hope and Solidarity Caritas Sri Lanka’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Serve Humanity with Faith, Hope and SolidarityCaritas Sri Lanka’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic By Dr. Shemal Fernando, PhD  –  Senior Executive Manager CSL-SEDEC In the recent weeks, the lives of millions of people across the world have suddenly changed. For some, remaining at home has been an opportunity to reflect, to withdraw from the frenetic pace

Caritas Sri Lanka Delegates Visit Chennai on a Fact Finding Mission in Handling Differently Abled

Caritas India’s Community Based Rehabilitation Forum (CBRF) had given the opportunity to 6 delegates from Caritas Sri Lanka to visit Chennai to learn about what is happening to differently abled and how India handles them. The delegates had the opportunity to experience the mechanism at village level, intermediary level and the governmental level. CBRF has

Caritas Sri Lanka Delegates Visit Chennai on a Fact Finding Mission in Handling Differently Abled

Caritas India’s Community Based Rehabilitation Forum (CBRF) had given the opportunity to 6 delegates from Caritas Sri Lanka to visit Chennai to learn about what is happening to differently abled and how India handles them. The delegates had the opportunity to experience the mechanism at village level, intermediary level and the governmental level. CBRF has

Capacity Building of Counsellors (Tamil Medium) on Emotional Literacy School Programme.

Emotional literacy helps people, especially youth and students to manage their own emotions effectively, appropriately and productively. It develops positive social interactions with other people in the society. The objectives of this programme are to increase the emotional literacy, well-being and resilience among the school students in order to prevent self-harm and suicidal behaviour. Through